Working Reports

WK Los LegCo Express (Dec 2023)

WK LO's LegCo Express 

Dec 2023


1. Summary of the PWSC funding projects in 2023

In 2023, the PWSC held 17 meetings for about 32 hours and scrutinized 35 funding proposals for public works projects with a total funding of HK$132.8 billion, of which 31 funding proposals involving HK$122.6 billion have been approved by the FC. Among the proposals scrutinized by the Subcommittee, a total of nine funding proposals related to land and housing development, involving an allocation of about HK$27.1 billion.  As Chairman of the PWSC, I need to ensure that the scrutiny work is efficient and focused on works-related issues. I would urge the Administration to actively review and formulate enhancement proposals in response to general issues brought up during discussions.

2. Raised an oral question on developing the Northern Metropolis

On 6 Dec, I raised an oral question regarding the development of the Northern Metropolis at the LegCo meeting. I asked the Government whether it will expedite the formulation of detailed development proposals, review the amounts of investment in the relevant public works, prepare a list of works according to the works scale, as well as set the order of implementing the works; whether it will formulate clear financial arrangements; and whether it will attract professional talents in industry and commerce from the Mainland and overseas to assist in formulating practicable policy initiatives. To view my question and reply from the Government, please use the following link:

3. Raised a written question regarding manpower resources for railway services

On 13 Dec, I raised a written question regarding manpower resources for railway services at the LegCo meeting. I asked the Government whether it has motivated MTRCL to improve the working environment and remuneration packages of the relevant job types, to retain talents and attract more new blood to join the industry; whether it has accurately assessed and projected the future demand for railway talents, as well as formulated corresponding education and training plans; whether it will discuss with the industry the establishment of a professional training system, improvement of the qualifications framework and building up of a professional development ladder, to attract new blood to join the industry. To view my question and reply from the Government, please use the following link:

4. Led a site visit to the construction site of I • PARK1

The LegCo Public Works Subcommittee conducted a site visit to the construction site of the Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase 1 (“I • PARK1”), located on an artificial island in the sea off Shek Kwu Chau on 5 December, to get a better grasp on the implementation progress of the Hong Kong’s first waste-to-energy facility for treating municipal solid waste. It can provide a daily treatment capacity of 3000 tonnes of municipal solid waste, replacing landfills with advanced waste-to-energy incinerators for handling municipal solid waste. I • PARK1 costs approximately $18 billion and will commence operation in 2025. 

5. Released a report related to the elderly services

Together with some other LegCo members, I released a report related to the elderly services on 7 Dec. The report puts forward recommendations in five major areas, including the formulation of a blueprint of a comprehensive elderly care policy, the construction of a Senior Citizen Residence Centre in the Northern Metropolis, the non-means-tested Old Age Allowance (OAA) for the elderly who have reached the age of 65, the maintenance of the concessionary fare of HK$2 per person on public transport, and the establishment of a "Community Elderly Services Fund". I urged the Government to expeditiously improve the elderly policies of "supporting, respecting, caring for and protecting the elderly", thereby improving the living quality of the elderly. 

6. Joined LegCo Panel on Development study visit to Shanghai

I joined the delegation of the LegCo Panel on Development of the three-day study visit to Shanghai from 19 to 21 Dec, to learn about urban planning and management, new areas development, heritage conservation and revitalization, and emergency response and disaster prevention work in Shanghai, as well as to observe through site visits the municipality’s coastal and riverside development. 

立法會盧偉國議員 博士 工程師 (工程界)
Legislative Council Ir Dr Hon Lo Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)